Chapter 13
"Friendships are both delicate and deep. On the one hand, they’re the most transitory of our close relationships. They come and go across our life span, depending on where we’re living, going to school, and working; and how our personal interests shift and evolve...For much of our lives, friendships are the most important close relationships we have. Our friends keep us grounded and provide us with support in times of crisis. When lovers betray or abandon us, or family members drive us crazy, it’s our friends we turn to for support. "(page 375) Friendships can be extremely challenging. Betrayal in friendships can look like breaking confidences, backstabbing, spreading rumors/gossip, and lying. Geographic separation can be hard too and can led to friends growing apart. Another challenge friendships can face is when one has attraction to the other when feelings are not recuperated. Following the 'friendship rules' can help friendships succeed. By showing supp