Chapter 1


     "Think about all the different ways you communicate each day... now reflect on how these forms of communication differ from one another. Sometimes messages flow in a single direction, from sender to receiver, as when we create a text and send it to a sibling." 

    This quote and model from the textbook on page 6, really had me thinking about just how much I communicate with others on a daily basis. I feel like I am always talking to friends, co-workers, family, customers, etc., but also online, texting people, sending emails, discussion boards etc. Communicating and having conversations are just a part of everyday life.     "When we interpersonally communicate, we forge meaningful bonds that help bridge the distance between ourselves and others that naturally arises from being different people." (Page 10.) This quote was very meaningful and interesting to me too because thinking about it, anytime we are having meaningful conversations we are building those relationships with people. 
    I feel like I truly have a hard time sometimes accurately getting out how I feel or explaining my ideas. Even though as I, the sender, may know what I am going to say and what I mean, the receiver, does not and I need to be precise and detailed to make sure we are on the same page as what I am trying to convey. This is especially important in professional situations, an example being a job interview or a group project.
